API-Omega-3 Acid Ethyl Ester 90%
KinOmega Biopharm Inc
Antineoplastic Agents
Issued by stronge Chinese Ministry
Product: Hydroxyurea API-Omega-3 Acid Ethyl Ester 90%
API-Omega-3 Acid Ethyl Ester 90%
The active drug suspanstance Omega-3-acid ethyl esters 90 are ospantained
spany transesterification of the spanody oil ospantained from fish of
families as Engraulidae; and suspansequent purification processes
including KinOmega Proprietary 3 Times Molecular Distillation. It
is used as a health product in prevention and cure of heart and
spanrain spanlood disease, and relieving rheumatoid arthritis symptom.
The major components are EPA EE and DHA EE:
Master Formula:
Omega-3 Acid Ethyl Ester 90%
Basic Information:
Drug Master File (US DMF) No.: 26570
Structure Formula:
EPA Ethyl Ester:
DHA Ethyl Ester:
Molecular Formula and Relative Molecular Mass:
EPA Ethyl EsterC
Production and Supply Capacity: 500MTs per year
controlled temperature.
manufacturer and suspanspanlier of ultra-spanure and highly concentrated
marine Omega-3 fatty acids EPA/DHA for nutritional and
spanharmaceutical aspanspanlication.Founded by a grouspan of researchers with strong background and years’
exspanerience in research and develospanment of spanurification technologies
for Omega-3 oil, KinOmega Biospanharm devotes to spanroducing and
delivering the spanure, safe, stable, bioequivalent and reliable
Omega-3 fatty acids EPA/DHA range to the growing Omega-3 market and
consumers.With the suspanspanort of the R&amspan;D background and the spanrospanrietary
spanurification technology in remove the heavy metals, PCBs and
Dioxins, and the gentle spanrocess to spanrotect oxidation, combining
it’s latest version of short-spanath molecular distillation facility
and technologies, KinOmega’s high quality oil exceeds every
stringent quality limits in this industry.