Ence of A8; T9 = [Twt+Tmt]; A14 = [3Awt +2Amt] A8 : A10 = 3:A8mt : T9wt [I3 5]mt : A5wt [I13 – I7]mt : G7wt [I13 – I7]mt : G7wt A8mt : T9wt [I13 7]mt : [2I7 – I13]wt [I15 9]mt : [2I9 – I15]wt T12mt : G13wt T12mt : G13wt T12mt : G13wt T12mt : G13wt TmtCOSM476 [16] – [17] COSM33808 [18] COSM1130 [19] COSM1127 [20] COSM478 [21] COSM1132 [22] COSM475 [23] COSMp.V600D p.V600G 3 p.V600E(2) p.V600K p.V600R(1) p.V600_K601.E p.TVKSR599_603.I 4 p.T599T;V600E????????+ + ????????+ + + + + ?+ + + + + + + ???????????+ + + + + +A8 : A10 = 1: 3 G7 = Gwt +3Gmt; absence of A8; A10 = 3Amt; G13 = Gwt A8 : T12 = 5: 1 A5 = [Awt+3Amt]; A8 : T12 = 3: 1 A5 = [Awt +2Amt]; G7 = [Gwt +2Gmt]; A8 : T12 = 3: 1 A8 : T12 = 2: 1 absence of mutant C4, A5, G7; absence of A8 absence of mutant A5, G7; absence of ACOSM477 [16] COSM6137 [19] COSM475 [23] GHRH (1-29) COSM473 [16] Anlotinib COSM474 [16] COSM1133 [24] COSM30605 [25] COSM24963 [26] COSM: GwtT12mt : G13wt T12mt : G13wt C11mt : G7wt G19mt : G7wt A8mt : T9wt Gmtp.T599_V600.RE p.K601R p.K601K 5 p.K601Q p.VKSRWS600_605.D p.VKSRWS600_605.EK 6 p.V600K;S602S????????????????????+??????????+ + + ?+ + + ???+absence of mutant C4, A5; A14 = [3Awt+Amt] absence of A8; A14 = [3Awt+Amt] absence of A8; A14 = [3Awt +2Amt] absence of A8; T9 = [Twt+Tmt]; A18 = 2Amt A8 = Amt; G13 = [Gwt +3Gmt]; C16 = [Cwt +3Cmt] A8 = 4Amt; G13 = [Gwt +4Gmt]; C16 = [Cwt +3Cmt] A8 = 3Amt- [27]wt: TCOSM13625 [19] COSM28507 [28] COSM1066665 [29] COSM1129 [30] COSM306133 [31] COSM473 [26] COSMG19mt : T15wt K A18mt : T15wt A18mt : T17wt A18mt : T17wt T17mt : C11wt C11mt : T9wt C11mt : C16wt Amt wtp.T599A 7 p.T599_V600insT(1) p.T599_V600insV p.V600.YM 8 p.T599I;V600E??????+ + + ++ + + + ???????????+ + + + +absence of A8 absence of mutant G7; T9 = [Twt+Tmt] absence of mutant A3, C4; T9 = [Twt +2Tmt] absence of A8; absence of mutant G7, G13 and T17 A14 = 3Awt+Amt; T17 = Twt- [32] COSM30730 [33] COSM21616 [34] – [35] COSM472 [36] COSM: AC11mt : G13wt A10mt : G7wt A10mt : G7wt A10mt : G7wt T12mt : T15wt T12mt : T15wt C11mt : C16wt A18mt : MC11wt C11mt : T9wt A8mt : T17wtp.A598_T599insKKGNFGLA p.T599_V600.IAL 9 p.T599_V600insTT p.VKS600_602.DT 10 p.T599_V600insT(2) 11 p.T599_V600insDFLAGT 12 p.V600A 13 p.VKSRWS600_605.DV????+ ???+ + + + ??????+ + ??+ ???+ + ?????????+ ??+ + + + + + ?+A3 = Awt +7Amt; absence of mutant A14 absence of mutant A14; T17 = [Twt +3Tmt] absence of A8; absence of mutant A5; G19 = 2Gmt A8 = Amt; absence of mutant A14 unique; C4 = A8 unique; T9 = [Twt +4Tmt] unique; absence of A8 G19 = 3Gmt; absence of mutant A14; T15 = [Twt +2Tmt]- [27] COSM33780 [37] COSM26459 [20] – [12] COSM36245 [38] COSM26504 [24] COSM18443 [19] COSM33764 [39]wt ?wild type, mt ?mutant; I ?intensity value of correspondent
nucleotide dispensation. A-peak reduction factor 0.9 should be taken into consideration. Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer (COSMIC) database, version 62 (Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0059221.tU-BRAFV600 State DetectionFigure 4. Algorithm for automated BRAF state classification of U-BRAFV600 pyrosequencing data analysis. Reduction factors for both Apeak and dispensation steps should be taken into consideration calculating individual peak intensities. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0059221.gwhere “N” is dispensation nucleotide’s number. Therefore, this reduction factor should be taken into consideration in calculating both mutant-to-wild-type ratio and reference peaks’ intensities. Sequence pyrograms were automatically analyzed using logical o.Ence of A8; T9 = [Twt+Tmt]; A14 = [3Awt +2Amt] A8 : A10 = 3:A8mt : T9wt [I3 5]mt : A5wt [I13 – I7]mt : G7wt [I13 – I7]mt : G7wt A8mt : T9wt [I13 7]mt : [2I7 – I13]wt [I15 9]mt : [2I9 – I15]wt T12mt : G13wt T12mt : G13wt T12mt : G13wt T12mt : G13wt TmtCOSM476 [16] – [17] COSM33808 [18] COSM1130 [19] COSM1127 [20] COSM478 [21] COSM1132 [22] COSM475 [23] COSMp.V600D p.V600G 3 p.V600E(2) p.V600K p.V600R(1) p.V600_K601.E p.TVKSR599_603.I 4 p.T599T;V600E????????+ + ????????+ + + + + ?+ + + + + + + ???????????+ + + + + +A8 : A10 = 1: 3 G7 = Gwt +3Gmt; absence of A8; A10 = 3Amt; G13 = Gwt A8 : T12 = 5: 1 A5 = [Awt+3Amt]; A8 : T12 = 3: 1 A5 = [Awt +2Amt]; G7 = [Gwt +2Gmt]; A8 : T12 = 3: 1 A8 : T12 = 2: 1 absence of mutant C4, A5, G7; absence of A8 absence of mutant A5, G7; absence of ACOSM477 [16] COSM6137 [19] COSM475 [23] COSM473 [16] COSM474 [16] COSM1133 [24] COSM30605 [25] COSM24963 [26] COSM: GwtT12mt : G13wt T12mt : G13wt C11mt : G7wt G19mt : G7wt A8mt : T9wt Gmtp.T599_V600.RE p.K601R p.K601K 5 p.K601Q p.VKSRWS600_605.D p.VKSRWS600_605.EK 6 p.V600K;S602S????????????????????+??????????+ + + ?+ + + ???+absence of mutant C4, A5; A14 = [3Awt+Amt] absence of A8; A14 = [3Awt+Amt] absence of A8; A14 = [3Awt +2Amt] absence of A8; T9 = [Twt+Tmt]; A18 = 2Amt A8 = Amt; G13 = [Gwt +3Gmt]; C16 = [Cwt +3Cmt] A8 = 4Amt; G13 = [Gwt +4Gmt]; C16 = [Cwt +3Cmt] A8 = 3Amt- [27]wt: TCOSM13625 [19] COSM28507 [28] COSM1066665 [29] COSM1129 [30] COSM306133 [31] COSM473 [26] COSMG19mt : T15wt K A18mt : T15wt A18mt : T17wt A18mt : T17wt T17mt : C11wt C11mt : T9wt C11mt : C16wt Amt wtp.T599A 7 p.T599_V600insT(1) p.T599_V600insV p.V600.YM 8 p.T599I;V600E??????+ + + ++ + + + ???????????+ + + + +absence of A8 absence of mutant G7; T9 = [Twt+Tmt] absence of mutant A3, C4; T9 = [Twt +2Tmt] absence of A8; absence of mutant G7, G13 and T17 A14 = 3Awt+Amt; T17 = Twt- [32] COSM30730 [33] COSM21616 [34] – [35] COSM472 [36] COSM: AC11mt : G13wt A10mt : G7wt A10mt : G7wt A10mt : G7wt T12mt : T15wt T12mt : T15wt C11mt : C16wt A18mt : MC11wt C11mt : T9wt A8mt : T17wtp.A598_T599insKKGNFGLA p.T599_V600.IAL 9 p.T599_V600insTT p.VKS600_602.DT 10 p.T599_V600insT(2) 11 p.T599_V600insDFLAGT 12 p.V600A 13 p.VKSRWS600_605.DV????+ ???+ + + + ??????+ + ??+ ???+ + ?????????+ ??+ + + + + + ?+A3 = Awt +7Amt; absence of mutant A14 absence of mutant A14; T17 = [Twt +3Tmt] absence of A8; absence of mutant A5; G19 = 2Gmt A8 = Amt; absence of mutant A14 unique; C4 = A8 unique; T9 = [Twt +4Tmt] unique; absence of A8 G19 = 3Gmt; absence of mutant A14; T15 = [Twt +2Tmt]- [27] COSM33780 [37] COSM26459 [20] – [12] COSM36245 [38] COSM26504 [24] COSM18443 [19] COSM33764 [39]wt ?wild type, mt ?mutant; I ?intensity value of correspondent nucleotide dispensation. A-peak reduction factor 0.9 should be taken into consideration. Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer (COSMIC) database, version 62 (Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0059221.tU-BRAFV600 State DetectionFigure 4. Algorithm for automated BRAF state classification of U-BRAFV600 pyrosequencing data analysis. Reduction factors for both Apeak and dispensation steps should be taken into consideration calculating individual peak intensities. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0059221.gwhere “N” is dispensation nucleotide’s number. Therefore, this reduction factor should be taken into consideration in calculating both mutant-to-wild-type ratio and reference peaks’ intensities. Sequence pyrograms were automatically analyzed using logical o.