Primer pair and the Taqman probe were 59-CTCCATCACTAGGGGTTCCTTG-39 (AAV-Fw), 59-GTAGATAAGTAGCATGGC-39 (AAV-Rev) and 59-TAGTTAATGATTAACCCAA-39 (AAV-MGBprobe). Amplification of the Titin gene was used to normalize the results with respect to the number of 22948146 AAV vector genome copies per cell. The sequences of the primer pair and the Taqman probe were 59-AAAACGAGCAGTGACGTGAGC-39 (Titin-Fw), 59-TTCAGTCATGCTGCTAGCGC-39 (Titin-Rev) and 59-TGCACGGAAGCGTCTCGTCTCAGCT39 (Titin-VIC/TAMRAprobe). Serial dilutions of the rAAV vector plasmid were used to generate a standard curve for the determination of vector genome copy numbers. Real-time PCR was carried out and results were analyzed with the ABI Prism 7700 sequence Detection System (Applied Biosystems, Foster City CA, USA).Materials and Methods AnimalsThis study was performed on adult (6 to 8 weeks old, female) C57Bl6 mice purchased from AKT inhibitor 2 chemical information Charles River Laboratories (Les Oncins, France). All animal experiments were carried out in accordance with European guidelines for the care and use of experimental animals.AAV Vector ProductionAAV vectors express GFP or mouse secreted alkaline phosphatase (mSEAP) under the control of the cytomegalovirus immediate early (CMV) promoter. Self-complementary genome-containing plasmids were constructed by deleting the D sequence and the terminal resolution site from one of the inverted terminal repeats.mSEAP Quantification AssaymSEAP activity in the eye lysate supernatant was quantified in a chemiluminescence assay. Endogenous alkaline phosphatase was inactivated by heating at 65uC for 5 minutes and the heat-resistant mSEAP activity was measured by adding reaction buffer and theSystemic scAAV9 Gene Transfer to the RetinaSystemic scAAV9 Gene Transfer to the RetinaFigure 1. GFP expression in the retina after the intravenous delivery of scAAV9-GFP in adult mice. Retinal cross sections were treated for GFP immunofluorescence (green) and counterstained with DAPI (blue), four weeks after the injection of 261012 vg of scAAV9-GFP into the tail veins of eight-week-old mice. GFP was detected in all retina layers (A ) and in the ciliary bodies (CB in A). Transduction efficiency was particularly high in the RGC layer (B ) but GFP was also expressed in the various cell types of the inner nuclear layer
(INL), including cells with the morphology of ?bipolar cells (arrowheads in C) and of Muller cells (arrows in D). Rare GFP-positive photoreceptors (asterisks in B and D) and RPE cells (arrowheads in D ?and F) were also detected. (E ) High magnification of GFP-positive (E) Muller cells, (F) RPE cells and (G) photoreceptors. RPE: retinal pigment epithelium; ONL: outer nuclear layer; INL: inner nuclear layer; RGC: retinal ganglion cell layer. Scale bar: 200 mm in A and B; 70 mm in C; 50 mm in D; 20 mm in E . A, B and E are epifluorescence images; C and D are confocal images. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.BI-78D3 chemical information 0061618.gCPSD chemiluminescence substrate of the Tropix system, according to the manufacturer’s instructions (Applied Biosystems, Foster City CA, USA). Chemiluminescence was then determined with a luminometer (Perkin Elmer). Activity levels are expressed as ng of mSEAP and were determined by comparison with a standard curve for purified human placental alkaline phosphatase. Results were normalized on the basis of protein concentration, determined with the Nano-orange protein quantification assay (Invitrogen, Cergy-Pontoise, France).Histological ProcessingMice were deeply anesthetized with 10 mg.Primer pair and the Taqman probe were 59-CTCCATCACTAGGGGTTCCTTG-39 (AAV-Fw), 59-GTAGATAAGTAGCATGGC-39 (AAV-Rev) and 59-TAGTTAATGATTAACCCAA-39 (AAV-MGBprobe). Amplification of the Titin gene was used to normalize the results with respect to the number of 22948146 AAV vector genome copies per cell. The sequences of the primer pair and the Taqman probe were 59-AAAACGAGCAGTGACGTGAGC-39 (Titin-Fw), 59-TTCAGTCATGCTGCTAGCGC-39 (Titin-Rev) and 59-TGCACGGAAGCGTCTCGTCTCAGCT39 (Titin-VIC/TAMRAprobe). Serial dilutions of the rAAV vector plasmid were used to generate a standard curve for the determination of vector genome copy numbers. Real-time PCR was carried out and results were analyzed with the ABI Prism 7700 sequence Detection System (Applied Biosystems, Foster City CA, USA).Materials and Methods AnimalsThis study was performed on adult (6 to 8 weeks old, female) C57Bl6 mice purchased from Charles River Laboratories (Les Oncins, France). All animal experiments were carried out in accordance with European guidelines for the care and use of experimental animals.AAV Vector ProductionAAV vectors express GFP or mouse secreted alkaline phosphatase (mSEAP) under the control of the cytomegalovirus immediate early (CMV) promoter. Self-complementary genome-containing plasmids were constructed by deleting the D sequence and the terminal resolution site from one of the inverted terminal repeats.mSEAP Quantification AssaymSEAP activity in the eye lysate supernatant was quantified in a chemiluminescence assay. Endogenous alkaline phosphatase was inactivated by heating at 65uC for 5 minutes and the heat-resistant mSEAP activity was measured by adding reaction buffer and theSystemic scAAV9 Gene Transfer to the RetinaSystemic scAAV9 Gene Transfer to the RetinaFigure 1. GFP expression in the retina after the intravenous delivery of scAAV9-GFP in adult mice. Retinal cross sections were treated for GFP immunofluorescence (green) and counterstained with DAPI (blue), four weeks after the injection of 261012 vg of scAAV9-GFP into the tail veins of eight-week-old mice. GFP was detected in all retina layers (A ) and in the ciliary bodies (CB in A). Transduction efficiency was particularly high in the RGC layer (B ) but GFP was also expressed in the various cell types of the inner nuclear layer (INL), including cells with the morphology of ?bipolar cells (arrowheads in C) and of Muller cells (arrows in D). Rare GFP-positive photoreceptors (asterisks in B and D) and RPE cells (arrowheads in D ?and F) were also detected. (E ) High magnification of GFP-positive (E) Muller cells, (F) RPE cells and (G) photoreceptors. RPE: retinal pigment epithelium; ONL: outer nuclear layer; INL: inner nuclear layer; RGC: retinal ganglion cell layer. Scale bar: 200 mm in A and B; 70 mm in C; 50 mm in D; 20 mm in E . A, B and E are epifluorescence images; C and D are confocal images. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0061618.gCPSD chemiluminescence substrate of the Tropix system, according to the manufacturer’s instructions (Applied Biosystems, Foster City CA, USA). Chemiluminescence was then determined with a luminometer (Perkin Elmer). Activity levels are expressed as ng of mSEAP and were determined by comparison with a standard curve for purified human placental alkaline phosphatase. Results were normalized on the basis of protein concentration, determined with the Nano-orange protein quantification assay (Invitrogen, Cergy-Pontoise, France).Histological ProcessingMice were deeply anesthetized with 10 mg.