Rtner violence making use of the modified WHO violence against females instrument. Precise
Rtner violence utilizing the modified WHO violence against females instrument. Specific acts of violence were...
Rtner violence utilizing the modified WHO violence against females instrument. Specific acts of violence were...
Lly indicate distinct functiol subclasses. Thus, CobaltDB is usually utilized to help strengthen the functiol...
Sing of faces that happen to be represented as action-outcomes. The present demonstration that implicit...
Ual awareness and insight is stock-in-trade for brain-injury case managers working with non-brain-injury specialists. An...
0 1.52 (0.54, 4.22) (continued)Sarker et alTable 3. (continued) Binary Logistic Regressionb Any Care Variables...
Spital (Pr Brigitte Dreno). We also thank the TEM facility of the University of ntes...
Ival and 15 SNPs on nine chromosomal loci have been reported inside a lately published...
) using the riseIterative fragmentation improves the detection of ChIP-seq peaks Narrow enrichments Regular Broad...
Bly the greatest interest with regard to personal-ized medicine. Warfarin is usually a racemic drug...